Frequently asked questions

What is down2business?

down2business is an online-only, ad free open access journal and private community for small business owners supported by article processing charges (APCs).

Our strict editorial policy and peer review ensures only the highest quality articles and tools are published in an ad free environment.

How is down2business different from other small business sites?

down2business is establishing a new model for online publishing and community. By using an open access publishing model along with our strict editorial policies, we are able to offer only the highest quality articles which are truly helpful and informative to small business owners without advertising or selling user data.

Our community consists of those thinking of starting a business, startups, entrepreneurs and business owners. Those who don’t own a business can participate in some areas of the community but most of the community and tools are available only to business owners with verified accounts. Verified business owners also get early access to articles and the ability to ask questions of the authors.

Why should I publish on down2business?

There are many advantages to publishing on down2business:

Audience – down2business provides unprecedented access directly to small business owners. Articles are widely disseminated through syndication and are traditionally distributed under a CC-BY-ND licenses after the initial publishing phase.

Quality – down2business accepts only articles of the highest quality. Our editorial board and peer reviewers rigorously review submissions following our editorial policies and objectives.

Distraction free – Using the APC model allows us to publish your article the way it should be, without advertisements, tracking codes and other distractions that take away from the final product and slow down page loads considerably.

Good will from sharing knowledge – It is everyones interest for small business to grow. By offering your or your employees insight into specific problems facing small businesses to the community, you establish your company as a trusted source and create good will amongst potential customers.

Good value – Base publishing charges for down2business are $1,400 and could be significantly less with discounts that may be available to you.

Site design – is innovative and attractive, providing a functional and informative community for small business owners.

Content blockers – Online advertising and targeting has become increasingly problematic with the increased usage of content blockers. Publishing on down2business offers the opportunity to help and connect with your audiance.

What other features will down2business offer?

down2business is constantly evolving. We will work with our members to determine what types of content and tools they need to run their businesses more efficiently and effectively and find ways to offer them.

One feature we are currently working on is co-marketing. Members of the community will be able to submit the marketing message to our team and, if selected, it will be disseminated to other members who will be asked to promote it on their social accounts.

Why does down2business have an article processing charge?

We think ads get in the way, slow down page loads and disrupt article comprehension.

By choosing an APC model and following our editorial policies, we can eliminate advertising and also ensure we are publishing the highest quality articles rather than content by self-proclaimed experts who read a few pages on Wikipedia.

What does it cost to publish on down2business?

down2business is supported by article processing charges (APCs). This fee is paid by the author/company when an article is accepted. Please see the article processing charges section on our Publishing page for more information.

What license is used on articles?

By default, all articles are released under CC-BY-ND six months after the publish date. Authors and/or their companies have the option to choose a proprietary license if they wish.

How long should my article be?

Articles can be as long as needed to effectively convey the information covered. That said, we recommend articles stay under 5,000 words.

Are there any discounts?

down2business offers discounts on a case by case basis. Please see the article processing charges section on our Publishing page for more information.

I have another questions, how do I contact down2business?

If you are looking for more information related to publishing on down2business, please contact us via email at, for media inquiries email press@down2business, for all other questions email